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引用本文:张志峰,陈浩然,白瑞祥. 先进复合材料格栅加筋圆柱壳体稳定性分析[J]. 大连理工大学学报, 2008, 48(5): 631-635
作者姓名:张志峰  陈浩然  白瑞祥
摘    要:基于精细三角形Mindlin板单元构造了用于先进复合材料格栅加筋圆柱壳体稳定性分析的三角形复合材料加筋平面壳单元.肋骨和蒙皮采用了相同位移插值形函数,保证两者变形协调性的同时,又放松了肋骨转动的约束.肋骨放置的数量、位置和角度可以任意,为结构的单元网榕剖分带来了很大便利.通过算例验证了该协调独立转角加筋板壳单元的有效性,特别是在分析高肋格栅结构时有较高的精度.最后分析了内外加筋形式对等格栅加筋柱壳稳定性的影响.

关 键 词:加筋板壳单元  稳定性分析  复合材料等格栅加筋圆柱壳

Stability analysis of advanced composite grid stiffened cylindrical shell
ZHANG Zhifeng,CHEN Haoran,BAI Ruixiang. Stability analysis of advanced composite grid stiffened cylindrical shell[J]. Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 2008, 48(5): 631-635
Authors:ZHANG Zhifeng  CHEN Haoran  BAI Ruixiang
Abstract:In accordance with the refined triangular Mindlin plate elements, a new triangular composite stiffened flat shell element is proposed to analyze the stability behavior of advanced composite grid stiffened cylindrical shell (AGS). Displacement compatibility between the stiffeners and plate is well maintained by using the same shape functions for both elements, and additional degrees of rotations of the stiffeners are introduced. In addition, the number and orientation of the stiffeners in the element can be defined by users, thus the meshing procedure is rather convenient. The numerical results testify its effectiveness, especially, for analyzing the case of the plate stiffened by thick beams. The effects of stiffened style, such as inner-stiffened and outer-stiffened shell upon the buckling loads of AGS, are also carried out.
Keywords:stiffened plate/shell element   stability analysis   composite isogrid stiffened cylindrical shell
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