自同构群的阶为无立方因子的有限幂零群 |
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作者单位: | ;1.云南民族大学数学与计算机科学学院;2.广西大学数学与信息科学学院;3.广西大学广西高校数学及其应用重点实验室 |
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摘 要: | 讨论了自同构群的阶为4p_1~2p_2~2…p_n~2的有限幂零群,得出了它们的同构分类.
关 键 词: | 自同构群 循环群 幂零群 群阶 |
Finite nilpotent groups of automorphism groups with a cubefree order |
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Affiliation: | ,School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences,Yunnan Minzu University,School of Mathematics and Information Sciences,Guangxi University,Key Laboratory of Mathematics and its Application for Guangxi Colleges and Universities,Guangxi Universviy |
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Abstract: | This research has solved the equation | Aut( G) | = 4p_1~2p_2~2…p_n~2 and found out all finite nilpotent groups G. |
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Keywords: | automorphism group cyclic group nilpotent group group order |
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