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引用本文:刘文丽,吕书龙,梁飞豹. 复共线性下的主成分全最小二乘估计[J]. 华侨大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 0(5): 584-587
作者姓名:刘文丽  吕书龙  梁飞豹
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(11001054); 福建省教育厅科研基金资助项目(JB08026,JB08027)
摘    要:针对最小二乘法在参数估计中的局限性,在多维解释变量存在复共线性时,提出主成分全最小二乘估计,避免奇异矩阵求逆的问题.经多组大量测试,计算得到的回归系数的平均绝对偏差均较小,且表现稳定,其效果明显地优于最小二乘估计和全最小二乘估计.

关 键 词:最小二乘估计  全最小二乘估计  主成分  复共线性

Total Least Square Estimator of Principal Components under Multicollinearity
Abstract:The total least square estimator of principal components is proposed to avoid inversing the singular matrix under explanatory variables of multi-dimensions with multicollinearity.Under certain conditions,we prove by numerous test that it has smaller mean square errors(MSE) than least square estimator(LSE).
Keywords:least square estimator  total least square estimator  principal components  multicollinearity  
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