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引用本文:苏森森. 《老子》中“有”、“无”的地位是否平等[J]. 泰山学院学报, 2009, 31(5): 32-35
摘    要:《老子》中“有生于无”的命题,郭店竹简本作“天下万物生于有,生于无”,部分学者据此认为,老子只有有无平等的观念而不主张无先于有。对老子思想的整体把握,以及从哲学史研究的意义和价值角度来论证,无先于有的观念并不能轻易地从老子那里剔除。“无”与“道”在形上层面同一,因而较“有”优先,有无的对等关系只在形下的经验世界才能成立。

关 键 词:    郭店竹简  老子

On the Status of Being and Nought in Lao Zi
SU Sen-sen. On the Status of Being and Nought in Lao Zi[J]. Journal of Taishan University, 2009, 31(5): 32-35
Authors:SU Sen-sen
Affiliation:SU Sen - sen ( Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China)
Abstract:The proposition of " Being comes from Nought" in Lao Zi has another edition in Guodian bamboo that all things in the world are born in " Being" and "Nought". Some scholars thus believe that there isnt a concept of " Being comes from Nought" but the equality advoeation between " Being" and " Nought" in Lao Zi. In this paper, through the overall grasp of Lao Zi as well as from the meaning and value point of view on the study of philosophical histo~, I will argue that the concept of " Nought is prior to Being" can not be easily removed from Lao Zi," " Nought" and " Tao" are on the same level from the metaphysical point of view, so " Nought is prior to Being", the reciprocal equal relationship between "Being" and "Nought" can only exists in the physical world.
Keywords:Being  Nought  Guodian bamboo  Lao Zi
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