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引用本文:毛文风. 在入世与出世之间——论梁漱溟的终极关怀[J]. 杭州师范学院学报(社会科学版), 2004, 0(4): 112-116,120
摘    要:在现代新儒家中间梁漱溟的终极关怀表现出明显的入世与出世的紧张.通过对人类面临问题的分析,梁漱溟断定伦理和宗教都涉及到我们的终极关怀.他在伦理和宗教上安置终极关怀,即沿着儒家伦理传统和印度佛教传统来解决终极关怀问题.按照梁漱溟的理论,无论儒家的入世终极关怀,还是佛教的出世终极关怀,都包含了对现实与超越的双重肯定,它们是统一的东方文明的不同表现.通过一系列的论述,他论证了出世与入世的统一,由此化解了其终极关怀中的紧张.

关 键 词:梁漱溟  入世  出世  终极关怀

In the World or beyond the World:Liang Shuming's Ultimate Concern
MAO Wen-feng. In the World or beyond the World:Liang Shuming's Ultimate Concern[J]. Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences), 2004, 0(4): 112-116,120
Authors:MAO Wen-feng
Abstract:Among modern Neo-Confucians' theories, Liang Shuming's ultimate concern is characterized by the tension of "in the world or beyond the world", concerning for worldly affairs or transcending the reality. By analyzing social problems Liang Shuming asserts that both ethic and religion are related to our ultimate concern. He places his ultimate concern on ethic and religion, that is to say, solving the problem by the traditions of Confucian's ethic and Hinduism. In the light of Liang Shuming's theory, whether Confucian's concerning for worldly affairs or Hinduism's transcending the reality, they both contain the dual affirmations of reality and transcendency. They are two different manifestations of the unified oriental civilization. In his exposition he proves the unity of "in the world" and "beyond the world", which deconstructs the tension of his ultimate concern.
Keywords:Liang Shuming  concern for worldly affairs  transcend the reality  ultimate concern  
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