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引用本文:曹 静,王 敏,张 珍,陕 方,徐变娜,李 荣. 不同炒制方式及贮藏时间对苦荞茶滋味影响的智舌辨识研究[J]. 北京工商大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 32(6): 29-35
作者姓名:曹 静  王 敏  张 珍  陕 方  徐变娜  李 荣
作者单位:1. 西北农林科技大学食品科学与工程学院,陕西杨凌,712100
2. 山西农科院农产品加工研究所,山西太原,030031
3. 西安虎标茶果土产食品有限公司,陕西西安,710054
摘    要:利用智舌对不同炒制温度、时间以及不同贮藏期的苦荞茶进行品质辨识,采用铂、金、钯、钨、钛和银电极作为工作电极,分别在1,10,100 Hz三个脉冲频率下进行品质检测;并利用主成分分析和线性判别分析对数据进行分析整理.结果表明炒制温度及储藏时间对苦荞茶的滋味品质影响较大,样品之间差异显著.相比之下炒制时间对苦荞茶滋味品质的影响不显著.主成分分析能够区分炒制温度差异较大的苦荞茶,而对于同一炒制温度不同炒制时间的茶样以及不同储期的茶样区分效果不佳.线性判别分析能够有效地区分不同炒制温度和时间制备的12组苦荞茶以及不同储期的7组苦荞茶,其区分指数分别达到99.8%和99.7%.

关 键 词:苦荞茶  智舌  品质辨识  主成分分析  线性判别分析

Research of Smartongue on Quality Identification of Tartary Buckwheat Tea with Different Roasting Condition and Storage Period
CAO Jing,WANG Min,ZHANG Zhen,SHAN Fang,XU Bianna and LI Rong. Research of Smartongue on Quality Identification of Tartary Buckwheat Tea with Different Roasting Condition and Storage Period[J]. Journal of Beijing Technology and Business University:Natural Science Edition, 2014, 32(6): 29-35
Authors:CAO Jing  WANG Min  ZHANG Zhen  SHAN Fang  XU Bianna  LI Rong
Affiliation:College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China;College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China;College of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China;Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Institute of Agricultural Product Processing, Taiyuan 030031, China;Xi''an Tigermark Tea and food Co.Ltd., Xi''an 710054, China;Xi''an Tigermark Tea and food Co.Ltd., Xi''an 710054, China
Abstract:Smart-tongue was used in quality identification of tartary buckwheat tea in different roasting temperatures, time, and storage periods. Platinum, gold, palladium, tungsten, titanium, and silver electrodes were used as working electrodes to detect the quality under different pulse frequencies of 1,0, and 100Hz. Moreover, principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were used for data analysis. The results showed that the quality of tartary buckwheat tea was significantly influenced by roasting temperature and the storage period. However, roasting time did not significantly affect the tea quality. PCA could distinguish tartary buckwheat tea produced under big temperature differences, but had nothing to do with tartary buckwheat tea produced under the same roasting temperature, different roasting time, and different storage periods. However, LDA could reflect the discrepancy in tartary buckwheat tea produced under different roasting temperatures and time (12 samples) and storage periods (7 samples), and the discrimination indexes (DI) were 99.8% and 99.7%.
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