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引用本文:田宇. 随机环境下物流服务分包决策[J]. 系统管理学报, 2005, 14(6): 552-554
摘    要:通过构建随机环境下第三方物流提供者的3种分包决策模型:双方签订框架协议,分包商承诺在未来某些特定的时间段内在一定幅度内调整框架协议;双方不签订框架协议,分包商承诺在未来的某些特定时间段内同意调整分包量;双方不签订框架协议,由提供者优先决定合同调整的时间和分包量,经计算比较,发现最有利于第三方物流提供者的决策是双方不签订框架协议,并由其优先决定分包量和合同调整的时间,其次是由分包商优先决定合同调整的时间,但双方不签订框架协议,最后是双方签订框架协议,并由分包商优先决定框架协议调整的时间。

关 键 词:第三方物流提供者  分包  随机  决策

Analysis of Logistics Service Subcontract Decision Based on Stochastic State
TIAN Yu. Analysis of Logistics Service Subcontract Decision Based on Stochastic State[J]. Systems Engineering Theory·Methodology·Applications, 2005, 14(6): 552-554
Authors:TIAN Yu
Abstract:Three forms of subcontract models based on stochastic state are constructed:there is a restriction on the range of commitment and the schedule for the changes is preset by subcontractor;the schedule for the changes is preset by subcontractor,but there is no restriction on the range of commitment;the size of commitment changes and the schedule for the changes being preset by the third-party logistics provider.A numerical comparison of the totally expected subcontract costs suggests that the optimization decision could be the size of commitment changes and the schedule for the changes being preset by the third-party logistics provider.Next,it could be the schedule for the changes is preset by subcontractor,but there is no restriction on the range of commitment.The last could be that there is a restriction on the range of commitment and the schedule for the changes is preset by subcontractor.
Keywords:third-party logistics provider  subcontract  stochastic  decision
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