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引用本文:刘勇,葛菲,林昌勇,林贵兵,胡生福,赖学文,林向阳. 江西铜钹山自然保护区药用植物资源研究[J]. 江西科学, 2012, 30(4): 459-462
作者姓名:刘勇  葛菲  林昌勇  林贵兵  胡生福  赖学文  林向阳
作者单位:1. 江西中医学院,江西南昌,330006
2. 江西省广丰县铜钹山林场,江西广丰,334600
摘    要:通过野外线路考察、标本采集、实物拍摄、物种鉴定及民间访问调查,结果显示铜钹山自然保护区药用植物资源丰富,共计有药用维管植物183科618属1 284种。其中蕨类植物27科51属87种;裸子植物8科13属13种;被子植物148科554属1 184种;珍稀濒危保护植物14科27属30种。对保护区药用植物资源现状进行了分析研究,提出了药用植物资源保护建议,为药用植物资源保护与合理开发利用提供科学依据。

关 键 词:药用植物资源  铜钹山自然保护区  江西

Study of Medicinal Plant Resources in Tongboshan Nature Reserve,Jiangxi Province
LIU Yong,GE Fei,LIN Chang-yong,LIN Gui-bing,HU Sheng-fu,LAI Xue-wen,LIN Xiang-yang. Study of Medicinal Plant Resources in Tongboshan Nature Reserve,Jiangxi Province[J]. Jiangxi Science, 2012, 30(4): 459-462
Authors:LIU Yong  GE Fei  LIN Chang-yong  LIN Gui-bing  HU Sheng-fu  LAI Xue-wen  LIN Xiang-yang
Affiliation:1.Jiangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jiangxi Nanchang 330004 PRC; 2.Guangfeng Tongboshan Forestry Farm,Jiangxi Guangfeng 334600 PRC)
Abstract:Based on field investigation and sampling the specimen and taking pictures and taxonomic identification and visiting the villagers,There are 1 284 species of vascular medicinal plants belonging to 618 genus and 183 families,that including 27 families,51genus,87species of pteridophyte,8 families,13 genus,13 species of gymnospemae,148 families,554 genus,1 184 species of angiospermae,14 families,27genus,30 species of rare and endangered medicinal ptants.The suggestions on conservation of the medicinal plant resources are proposes after analyzing utilization situation of the medicinal plants,in order to provide scientific basis for protection and utilization of medicinal plant resources in Tongboshan Nature Reserve.
Keywords:Resources of medicinal plants  Tongboshan Nature Reserve  Jiangxi Province
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