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引用本文:陈乃惠. 谈唐代工笔仕女画色彩的装饰美[J]. 长春大学学报, 2012, 0(3): 367-370
摘    要:唐代工笔仕女画的设色是在特有的色彩审美追求和完备的色彩理论体系下形成的,有相当深的造诣和很高的艺术品位,堪称中国历代工笔人物重彩画的典范。主要表现在设色的主观性很强,手法相当巧妙,并善于利用材料的特质美和技法的有机结合,画风热情洋溢、大气磅礴、华丽高贵,画面给人用色主观、色彩对比强烈、平面感强、次序整洁、节奏韵律感强等装饰关。

关 键 词:唐代  工笔仕女画  色彩  装饰美

Decorative Aesthetics of Colors of Chinese Meticulous Brush Painting of Beautiful Women in Tang Dynasty
CHEN Nai-hui. Decorative Aesthetics of Colors of Chinese Meticulous Brush Painting of Beautiful Women in Tang Dynasty[J]. Journal of Changchun University, 2012, 0(3): 367-370
Authors:CHEN Nai-hui
Affiliation:CHEN Nai-hui( Fine Arts and Design College,Minjiang University,Fuzhou 350108,China)
Abstract:Colors of meticulous brush painting of beautiful women in Tang Dynasty are designed under the unique aesthetic pursuit of color and color theory system,which have very deep skills and a high artistic quality,and it is an apotheosis of figure heavy colored painting of all dynasties.It mainly reflects in the strong subjective coloration and the skillful technique,as well as the organic combination of the characteristic beauty of materials and painting techniques,showing the vigorous,majestic and noble painting style.People can enjoy the decorative beauty of subjective coloration,dramatic color contrast,strong graphic sense,clean order and graceful rhythm.
Keywords:Tang Dynasty  meticulous beautiful portrait  color  decorative aesthetics
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