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引用本文:杨建华,唐锡彬,赵健,罗海洲,丁坚平. 采空区对输电线路塔基影响的安全评价及应急处理[J]. 辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 31(4): 456-460
作者姓名:杨建华  唐锡彬  赵健  罗海洲  丁坚平
作者单位:1. 贵州大学资源与环境工程学院,贵州贵阳55000
2. 贵州电力设计研究院,贵州贵阳,550003
摘    要:针对贵州六盘水市煤层采空区上产生垂直方向的下沉、倾斜、曲率变形和水平方向的水平移动、拉伸与压缩变形,导致输电线路塔基基础发生不同程度的移动和变形的情况.结合贵州六盘水市煤层采空区输电线路地质灾害状况,搜集了有关矿区地质、采矿等资料,应用概率积分法预计采空区及输电线路杆塔地基地表移动和变形的最值,定性评价塔基最终稳定程度,并对输电线路的运行安全性作出评价,得出,典型煤矿区上的水滥线056塔、盘红011塔,普滥Ⅰ回线187塔、188塔均处于潜在不稳定和运营不安全状态,从而提出了带电扶正铁塔、基础带电复位、基础加固和改线四条措施,对输电线路的设计、排除危险塔基安全隐患、保证输电线路的安全、正常运营有重要意义.

关 键 词:煤层采空区  地表变形  概率积分法  输电线路  稳定性评价  安全评价  应急处理措施  贵州六盘水

Safety evaluation on tower foundation of transmission lines within coal mine goaf and its emergency treatment
YANG Jianhua , TANG Xibin , ZHAO Jian , LUO Haizhou , DING Jianping. Safety evaluation on tower foundation of transmission lines within coal mine goaf and its emergency treatment[J]. Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science Edition), 2012, 31(4): 456-460
Authors:YANG Jianhua    TANG Xibin    ZHAO Jian    LUO Haizhou    DING Jianping
Affiliation:1(1.School of Resources and Environmental Engineering,Guiyang 550003,China;2.Guizhou Institute of Power Design,Guiyang 550003,China)
Abstract:In leads the tower foundation of transmission lines to move and deform in various degrees that the surface deformation at the mine out area shows sinking,tilt and curvature in vertical direction and horizontal movement,stretching and compression deformation in horizontal direction in Liupanshui city,Guizhou Province.Aiming at this situation,based on the geological disasters within the mine out area along the transmission lines,geological and mining information,this paper estimates the extreme values of foundation surface movement and deformation of transmission lines at the mined-out area,and qualitatively evaluates the ultimate stability of tower base and the safety of the transmission lines using probability integral method.The conclution is that the Tower 056 ShuiCheng-LanBa,Tower 011 PanXan-Hongguo,Tower 187 and 188 PuDing-LanBa in the typical coal mine area have been in a potentially unstable and insecurity state.It plays an important role in designing transmission lines,eliminating of the risk in tower foundation,and ensuring the safety of transmission line and its normal operation that the paper proposed four measures as follow:upending towers without blackout,resetting the tower foundation by letting the transmission lines live,reinforcing the foundation or changing the route of the transmission lines.
Keywords:mine goaf  surface deformation  probability integral method  electricity transmission line  stability analysis  safety evaluation  emergency treatment measures  Liupanshui City of Guizhou
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