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引用本文:贺拴海,任伟,赵小星. 碳纤维布对具有初应力的钢筋混凝土梁抗剪加固试验[J]. 长安大学学报(自然科学版), 2004, 24(1): 34-39
作者姓名:贺拴海  任伟  赵小星
摘    要:以五片T梁模型破坏试验为基础,研究了碳纤维布粘贴层数、方式和二次受力对钢筋混凝土T梁抗剪极限承载力的影响。试验结果表明,粘贴碳纤维布显著减小了钢筋混凝土T梁的裂缝数量和宽度,抑制了裂缝的开展,对提高普通钢筋混凝土构件耐久性有重要作用;采用适当的锚固措施可以有效防止构件发生早期破坏,提高构件的极限抗剪能力;对于有锚固的粘贴方式,有预加载的T梁抗剪极限承载力明显高于无预加载的T梁;在无锚固的情况下,用碳纤维布作抗剪加固后的T梁破坏较突然,有可能使梁的加固效果出现负效应。

关 键 词:桥梁工程  碳纤维布  加固  钢筋混凝土T梁  二次受力

Experiments of shear capacity of RC beam bridges rehabilitated with CFRP under loading case
Abstract:Based on the experiments of five models of RC T-section beams,the ultimate shear capacity of RC T-section beams strengthened with different number of plies,paste formats and initial loads is evaluated.From the experiments,the number and width of crack are obviously decreased,and pasting CFRP laminates play an important role in improving RC construction durability;with anchoring,premature is prevented and the ultimate shear capacity is increased;taking properly anchoring measure,the ultimate shear capacity of RC T-section beams of initial loads is higher than that of no initial loads;under non-anchoring case, because the rehabilitation of RC T-section beams with CFRP laminates are destroyed suddenly,the reinforcement effect may be decreased.
Keywords:bridge engineering  CFRP  reinforce  RC T-section beams  initial loads
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