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引用本文:张义浩. 浙江沿海定生海藻资源特征研究[J]. 浙江海洋学院学报(自然科学版), 2002, 21(4): 334-339,351
摘    要:根据浙江沿海海藻资源调查资料,研究分析认为该海区到目前为止发现定生海藻种类205种,生物分类为6纲、23目、56科、96属,可以归入4个门,其中红藻门117种,绿藻门39种,褐藻门45种,蓝藻门4种;它们在潮间带和浅海区的分布系特征为广温广布种80种、优势种40种、常见种50种、少见种13种、稀有种10种、局限种12种,并通过对该区定生海藻种类组成和分布区系的分析,阐述了浙江沿海定生海藻资源特征及其研究意义,对进一步开发利用该海区的定生海藻有参考价值。

关 键 词:浙江沿海 定生海藻 资源特征 开发 利用

Studies on the Resources of Fixed- growth Algae off the Coast of Zhejiang
ZHANG Yi -hao. Studies on the Resources of Fixed- growth Algae off the Coast of Zhejiang[J]. Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Natural Science Edition), 2002, 21(4): 334-339,351
Authors:ZHANG Yi -hao
Abstract:In this paper,the research history and type composition of fixed -growth algae are studied ac-cording to the investigation of marine biological resource off Zhejiang Archipelogo.Total 205species are re-spectively divided into6classes,23orders,56families,96genera of 4phyla including117species of Rhodophyta,39species of Chlorophyta,45species of phaeophyta and4species of Cyanophyta.Those dispersed and scattered in intertidal zone and neritic areas show the flora characteristics.There are80eurythermal eu-rychoric species,40dominant species,50general species,13minor species,10rare species,and12limited species.Some suggestions about ecological protection to fixed -growth algae and sustainable development are also put forward by analysis of composition of species and characteristics of flora distribution around the region.
Keywords:fixed -growth algae  distribution characteristics  Zhejiang
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