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引用本文:刘先林,段福洲,宫辉力. 航空摄影科技发展成就与未来展望[J]. 前沿科学, 2007, 0(3)
作者姓名:刘先林  段福洲  宫辉力
作者单位:1. 中国测绘科学研究院,北京,100039;首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,北京,100037
2. 首都师范大学资源环境与旅游学院,北京,100037
摘    要:在过去的一个半多世纪,航空摄影测量取得了许多重大的成就,经历了模拟摄影测量阶段、解析摄影测量阶段和数字摄影测量阶段,革新了空间数据获取的技术方法,显示出了航空摄影巨大的生命力和影响力。文章介绍了国外航空摄影近几十年在数字摄影测量工作站、胶片航空摄影仪、数字航空摄影仪等方面取得的巨大成就。在航空摄影发展的历史中,我国数字摄影测量工作站也成为其具有典型代表性的标志。因应当前航空摄影测量的发展和应用需要,本文着重对具有自主知识产权的SWDC-4数字航空数码相机进行了阐述。文章最后讨论了航空摄影的3个发展趋势,意在与广大读者一起探讨航空摄影的未来。

关 键 词:航空摄影  数字摄影测量工作站  数字航空摄影仪

Achievements and Prospects of Aerial Photography Technology
Liu Xianlin,Duan Fuzhou,Gong Huili. Achievements and Prospects of Aerial Photography Technology[J]. Frontier Science, 2007, 0(3)
Authors:Liu Xianlin  Duan Fuzhou  Gong Huili
Abstract:In the last over 150 years, aerophotogrammetry has achieved many significant achievements, which experienced simulated photogrammetry stage, analytical photogrammetry and digital photogrammetry stage.These significant achievements in photogrammetry innovates spatial data acquisition methods that determines the aerial photography enormous vitality and influence. This paper presents great success in the digital photogrammetry workstations, film aerial camera, digital aerial camera in recent decades abroad aerial photography. In China, digital photogrammetry workstations such as JX4 become a typical representative signs in the history of the aerial photography development. In order to meet Aerophotogrammetry development and application needs, the paper highlights SWDC-4(Siwei digital camera) with our own intellectual property right and presents the features. The article discussed three development trends of aerial photography, the readership is intended to explore the future of aerial photography.
Keywords:aerial photography  digital photogrammetry workstation  aerial digital camera
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