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Algorithms for ℓ1-Embeddability and Related Problems
Authors:Pierre Hansen  Sylvain Perron
Affiliation:(1) GERAD and HEC, Montreal, Canada
Assouad has shown that a real-valued distance d = (dij)1 ≤ i < j ≤ n is isometrically embeddable in ℓ1space if and only if it belongs to the cut cone on n points. Determining if this condition holds is NP-complete. We use Assouad's result in a constructive column generation algorithm for ℓ1-embeddability. The subproblem is an unconstrained 0-1 quadratic program, solved by Tabu Search and Variable Neighborhood Search heuristics as well as by an exact enumerative algorithm. Computational results are reported. Several ways to approximate a distance which is not ℓ1-embeddable by another one which is are also studied.
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