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引用本文:党冰,张博凯,李佳耘,王式功,尚可政. 平凉市崆峒山旅游气候及人体舒适度特征分析[J]. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 48(2): 75-79
作者姓名:党冰  张博凯  李佳耘  王式功  尚可政
摘    要:
利用平凉市7县(区)气象观测站1961 -2010年近50年气象观测资料,分析了平凉市及主要旅游景点崆峒山的气候特征.根据气温、相对湿度、风速等气象要素的日平均值,计算出各县区逐日人体舒适度指数及各舒适度等级所占日数的年分布和历年平均值.利用1986-2010年崆峒山客流量资料,对崆峒山客流量和人体舒适度指数的年内变化进行了相关性分析.结果表明:平凉市气候宜人,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,全年体感表现为冷感到舒适,适宜人们旅游疗养.7县(区)人体舒适度较高,适宜居住时间近6个月.夏季人体舒适度最高,处于舒适水平;春、秋季人体舒适度基本一致,处于较舒适水平;冬季人体舒适度较低,处于不舒适水平.由于地理位置和海拔高度的不同,7县(区)人体舒适度差异明显,其中舒适度较高的县(区)为崆峒、崇信、泾川、灵台,其次为庄浪、华亭、静宁.崆峒山客流量与人体舒适度指数的年内变化呈显著正相关.

关 键 词:崆峒山  气候  人体舒适度  相关性分析  平凉

Analysis of Kongtong mountain tourist climate and human comfort in Pingliang,Gansu province
DANG Bing , ZHANG bo-kai , LI Jia-yun , WANG Shi-gong , SHANG Ke-zheng. Analysis of Kongtong mountain tourist climate and human comfort in Pingliang,Gansu province[J]. Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Science), 2012, 48(2): 75-79
Authors:DANG Bing    ZHANG bo-kai    LI Jia-yun    WANG Shi-gong    SHANG Ke-zheng
Affiliation:Key Laboratory of Arid Climate Change and Disaster Reduction of Gansu Province,School of Atmospheric Sciences,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China
Based on the meteorological data of 7 stations in Pingliang from 1961 to 2010,the climate characteristics of Pingliang and Kongtong mountain were analyzed.On the basis of daily average meteorological elements of temperature,relative humidity and wind speed,the human comfort index in 7 stations was calculated and its spatial and temporal distribution was also analyzed.In view of the variations in tourist data of Kongtong mountain from 1986 to 2010,a correlation analysis between human comfort index and variations in tourists was made and the results showed that human comfort degree ranged from cool to comfort in Pingliang;it is not too cold in winter and not too hot in summer,so as to make it a good place for people to relax themselves. The human comfort degree keeps a higher level with the comfortable days lasting for nearly six monthes in 7 stations,the human comfort index is superior in summer and poor in winter.It was also showed that the most comfort regions for human living are Kongtong,Chongxin,Jingchuan,Lingtai,followed by Zhuanglang,Huating and Jingning.In addition,it was indicated that there is a significant positive correlation between the human comfort index and variations in the number of tourists.
Keywords:Kongtong mountain  climate  human comfort degree  correlation analysis  Pingliang
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