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A class of compactly supported symmetric/antisymmetric B-spline wavelets
Authors:YANG Shouzhi  LOU Zengjian
Affiliation:Department of Mathematics,Shantou University,Shantou 515063,China
Abstract:An algorithm for constructing a class of compactly supported symmetric/antisymmetric B-spline wavelets is presented.For any m th order and k th order cardinal B-spline Nm (x), Nk (x), if m + k is an even integer, the corresponding m th order B-spline wavelets ψkm (x) can be constructed, which are compactly supported symmetric/antisymmetric. In addition, if ψkm (x), m > 1 is m th Bspline wavelet associated with two spline functions Nm (x) and Nk (x), then (ψkm (x))′( x ) is m - 1th B-spline wavelet associated with Nm-1(x) and Nk+1(x), i.e. (ψkm(x))′(x) =22ψk+1m-1(x). Similarly, ∫x0 ψkm(t)dt, k >1 is m + 1th B-spline wavelet associated with Nm + 1 (x) and Nk-1 (x). Using this method, we recovered Chui and Wang' s spline wavelets. Since a class of B-spline wavelets are symmetric/antisymmetric, their linear phase property is assured. Several examples are also presented.
Keywords:compactly supported  B-spline function  B-spline wavelet  symmetric  antisymmetric
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