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引用本文:吴长奇,王清泰. 一种基于时频分布的DOA估计方法[J]. 燕山大学学报, 2003, 27(4): 305-309
作者姓名:吴长奇  王清泰
摘    要:提出了一种基于信号时频分布波达方向估计的新方法。该方法根据信号的时频特征来构造阵列的时频相关矩阵Wxx和Wxy,再利用旋转不变技术对信号的波达方向(DDA)进行估计。由于充分利用了信号的时频域特征,此方法既适用于时不变的、平稳信号又适用于时变的、非平稳信号,与传统的一维ESPRIT方法比较,改善了DOA估计的性能,尤其是在低信噪比和空间近角度时,性能的改善是明显的。数值仿真的结果证明了上述结论。

关 键 词:时频分布 波达方向 非平稳信号 TF-ESPRIT 信号估计

A Method of DOA Estimation based on Time-frequency Distribution
,,.. A Method of DOA Estimation based on Time-frequency Distribution[J]. Journal of Yanshan University, 2003, 27(4): 305-309
Affiliation:(WuChangqi),(Wang Qingtai),(The College of Information Scienseand Engineering,Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao 066004).
Abstract:In this paper, a novel method of the DOA estimation is proposed, which based on time-frequency distribution. This method firstly constructs time-frequency correlation matrix Wxx and Wxy, then estimates DOA of the signals via rotational invariance technique. Because of making the best of time-frequency domain characteristics of the signals, this method is suitable for not only time-invariance and stationary signals but also time-variance and nonstationary signals. Comparing with the 1-Dimension traditional method, this method improves performance of DOA estimation. The performance is obviously improved, especially in lower signal-to-noise ratio and close angle case. The numerical simulation results show the conclusion above is correct.
Keywords:DOA (Direction-of-Arrival)   nonstationary signals   time-frequency distribution   time-frequency ESPRIT.
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