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贵阳市刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)树附生苔藓植物初步调查
引用本文:左思艺,张朝晖. 贵阳市刺槐(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)树附生苔藓植物初步调查[J]. 贵州师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2010, 28(4)
作者姓名:左思艺  张朝晖
摘    要:在"林城"贵阳,贵阳市行政区域内现有林地面积18.3万hm2,森林覆盖率为31.7%,森林覆盖率较高。树附生苔藓植物因其特殊性是可以作为城市大气污染的指示植物。树附生苔藓在贵阳分布较广泛,其中以作为贵阳市行道树或栽种树的刺槐树(Robinia pseudoacacia L.)最为典型。在贵州师范大学、花溪公园以及黔灵公园3个地点共选取了13棵刺槐树进行野外生态调查。结果发现了树附生苔藓植物8科12属14种。常见种为全缘刺疣藓Trichosteleum lutschianum(Broth.et Par.)Broth.、平锦藓Platygyrium repens(Brid.)B.S.G.、细叶小羽藓Haplocladium microphyllum(Hedw.)Broth.、矮锦藓Sematophyllum subhumile(C.Muell.)Fleisch.、真藓Bryum ar-genteumHedw.、异叶红叶藓Bryoerthrophyllum hostile(Herz.)Che和纤枝短月藓Brachymenium exile(Doz.etMolk.)Bosch et Lac.等。优势科为真藓科,其次是灰藓科,分别占总数的50%和37.5%。生活型只有矮丛集型和交织型。本次对贵阳市刺槐树附生苔藓的初步调查为进一步深入研究贵阳市树附生苔藓的多样性提供了基础资料。也是对将来监测贵阳市大气污染迈出的重要的第一步。

关 键 词:刺槐树  树附生苔藓植物  贵阳市

The preliminary investigation of epiphytic bryophytes on Robinia pseudoacacia L. in Guiyang City
ZUO Si-yi,ZHANG Zhao-Hui. The preliminary investigation of epiphytic bryophytes on Robinia pseudoacacia L. in Guiyang City[J]. Journal of Guizhou Normal University(Natural Sciences), 2010, 28(4)
Authors:ZUO Si-yi  ZHANG Zhao-Hui
Abstract:There is a large of forest coverage in Guiyang city,Guizhou province.Now there is about 2750000 forest land acreage in this city.The forest coverage rate is 31.7%,it is a higher forest coverage.Epiphytic bryophytes were thought of as ideal bio-monitoring plants for air pollution because of their particularity.Epiphytic bryophytes spread widely in Guiyang,and Robinia(Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is a typical tree species as street trees or botanical collection in Guiyang.Bryophyte samples were collected from thirteen Robinia trees in three sites in Guiyang city.14 species in 18 families and 12 genera were recorded.The most common species are Trichosteleum lutschianum(Broth.et Par.)Broth.,Platygyrium repens(Brid.)B.S.G.,Haplocladium microphyllum(Hedw.)Broth.,Sematophyllum subhumile(C.Muell.) Fleisch.,Bryum argenteum Hedw.,Bryoerthrophyllum hostile(Herz.)Che,Brachymenium exile(Doz.et |Molk.)Bosch et Lac.and so on.Dominant family is Bryaceae which account for 50% of all,in the next place is Hypnaceae which account for 37.5% of all.There are only two life-forms,they are wefts and short turfs.On this occasion,the preliminary investigation of epiphytic bryophytes of Robinia provide fundamental data for biodiversity of epiphytic bryophytes in Guiyang city.And it is also an important first step for monitoring the air pollution in Guiyang.
Keywords:Robinia pseudoacacia  epiphytic bryophytes  Guiyang City
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