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引用本文:吴天明. 弃子考[J]. 杭州师范学院学报(社会科学版), 2004, 0(3): 85-88
摘    要:
弃杀婴儿曾是古代先民普遍的野蛮习俗 ,如今仍有残存。人类弃子大体包括两种情况 :一、男子之间为了生殖竞争而弃子 ,表现为非己所生则弃之、非婚而生则弃之。二、为了整个种群的生存和进化而弃子 ,表现为病残怪异则弃之、生活艰辛则弃之、性别失衡则弃之。两种弃子行为客观上都有利于种的生存和进化。人类的弃子礼俗直接源于动物特别是灵长类动物的相关习性 ,又带有鲜明的宗教文化色彩 ,是动物本能与人类理性相结合的产物。学术界很少关注人类弃子礼俗与动物本能的关系 ,这固然不妥 ;认为古人的人口生产但求多多益善 ,亦属误解

关 键 词:弃子成因  生存竞争  生殖竞争  两种生产理论

On Ancient Peoples'''' Discarding and Killing Children
WU Tian-ming. On Ancient Peoples'''' Discarding and Killing Children[J]. Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College(Humanities and Social Sciences), 2004, 0(3): 85-88
Authors:WU Tian-ming
It was a commonly barbarous conduct that ancient peoples discarded and killed children being born in either bastard or non-consanguineous conditions for two purposes: the reproductive competition among men and the existence-based evolution of a given race. This conduct resulted from both the animal instinct and human's reasoning culture, being a spontaneous way for ancient people to regulate the quantity and quality of population.
Keywords:cause of discarding and killing children  existing competition  reproductive competition  two-type theory of production and reproduction
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