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引用本文:龚振军. 伪造、变造金融票证罪与票据诈骗罪的相关性与辩正性思考[J]. 新余高专学报, 2008, 13(6): 38-40
摘    要:从刑法对伪造、变造金融票证罪与票据诈骗罪的立法界定可以看出,两罪是有区别的。伪造、变造金融票证罪与票据诈骗罪的相关性思考主要是指对司法实践中两罪的交叉性进行的一种定位与思考。而辩正性思考则是指对两罪在交叉构成牵连犯的情况下如何进行处断的一种“回归性”正确的思辩。但无论是相关性思考还是辩正性思考,其目的都是为了让法律的实体性规范在应然性理念的指引之下真正回归到法律的应有性状态中去。

关 键 词:伪造  变造金融票证罪  票据诈骗罪  区别  相关性思考  辩正性思考  应然性理念

Relevance of and dialectic reflections on crime of forging financial bills and crime of bill fraud
GONG Zhen-jun. Relevance of and dialectic reflections on crime of forging financial bills and crime of bill fraud[J]. Journal of XinYu College, 2008, 13(6): 38-40
Authors:GONG Zhen-jun
Affiliation:GONG Zhen-jun(Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240 China)
Abstract:In the light of the legal definition of crime of forging financial bills and crime of bill fraud,the two crimes are distinguished.The relevant reflection on crime of forging financial bills and crime of bill fraud mainly refers to positioning and reflection of interrelation of the two crimes in the judicial practice while the dialectic reflection mainly refers to regressive correct thinking when the two crimes are interrelated with each to form implicated offence.Whether it is relevant reflection or dialect...
Keywords:crime of forging financial bills  crime of bill fraud  distinguish  relevant reflection  dialectic reflection  ought-to-be concept  
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