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引用本文:梅志林;王宗新;窦文斌. W波段波导功分器设计[J]. 华南理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 37(1)
作者姓名:梅志林  王宗新  窦文斌
作者单位:梅志林,Mei Zhi-lin(华南理工大学,电子与信息学院,广州无线电集团博士后工作站,广东,广州,510656);王宗新,窦文斌,Wang Zong-xin,Dou Wen-bin(东南大学,毫米波国家重点实验室,江苏,南京,210096)  
摘    要:波导功率分配器是微波、毫米波系统中常用的重要部件,但是传统匹配结构由于加工的困难在W频段很难实现。本文利用基于亥姆霍兹弱形式的有限元法设计了一种圆弧匹配结构,这种结构与铣床刀头的轮廓吻合,因而可以方便地加工出来。文中给出了两个设计实例,计算结果与实验结果吻合的很好。

关 键 词:波导功率分配器  亥姆霍兹方程的弱形式  有限元法  

Waveguide Power Divider Designed at W Band
Zhi-lin MEIZong-Xin WANGWen-Bin DOU. Waveguide Power Divider Designed at W Band[J]. Journal of South China University of Technology(Natural Science Edition), 2009, 37(1)
Authors:Zhi-lin MEIZong-Xin WANGWen-Bin DOU
Abstract:Waveguide power divider is an important component in microwave and millimeter wave systems, however, traditional matching structures are difficult to be realized at W band caused by the machining difficulties. So in this paper, a kind of arc structure is designed using the finite element method which is based on the weak form of Helmholtz equation; this kind of structure gears with the contour of the milling cutter and can be manufactured easily. Two design examples are given in this paper, numerical and experimental results agree with each other very well.
Keywords:waveguide power divider  weak form of Helmholtz equation  finite element method
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