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引用本文:谢晓庆,冯国智,刘立伟,石爻,曾杨. 聚驱后残留聚合物分布及对二元驱的增效作用[J]. 西南石油大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 37(4): 135. DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.04.02.02
作者姓名:谢晓庆  冯国智  刘立伟  石爻  曾杨
作者单位:1. 海洋石油高效开发国家重点实验室,北京朝阳100028;2. 中海油研究总院,北京朝阳100028
基金项目:中国海洋石油总公司科技项目(2009KJB 04);国家重点基础研究发展计划(2012CB724205);国家科技重大专项(2011ZX05024 004)。
摘    要:针对如何将聚驱后残留在油藏中的有限聚合物发挥出最大限度效益的问题,开展了聚驱后残留聚合物分布及对二元复合驱增效作用的研究。研究中调研并系统总结了目前国内外聚合物驱后的提高采收率方法,进行了符合海上油田S 区块油藏地质特征的大型三维平面物理模型实验研究,通过对水驱、聚驱、聚驱+ 表面活性剂的二元复合驱及后续水驱等不同阶段的聚合物溶液的黏度场、浓度场和压力场等值线图的取样监测,认识了残留聚合物的分布规律及对聚驱后二元复合驱的影响。结果表明:注聚结束时,主流线浓度最高,两翼部分最小;后续水驱结束,主流线浓度最小,聚合物大部分被驱出。岩芯中残留的聚合物越多,对二元复合驱的辅助作用越强,注聚结束后越早实施接替技术越好。研究成果对聚驱后如何利用接替技术继续提高产量具有重要的指导意义。

关 键 词:聚合物驱  提高采收率  残留聚合物  二元复合驱  聚合物再利用  

The Distribution of Residual Polymer and the Synergistic Action of Binary Combination Flooding After Polymer Flooding
Xie Xiaoqing,Feng Guozhi,Liu Liwei,Shi Yao,Zeng Yang. The Distribution of Residual Polymer and the Synergistic Action of Binary Combination Flooding After Polymer Flooding[J]. Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Seience & Technology Edition), 2015, 37(4): 135. DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2013.04.02.02
Authors:Xie Xiaoqing  Feng Guozhi  Liu Liwei  Shi Yao  Zeng Yang
Affiliation:1. State Key Laboratory of Offshore Oil Exploitation,Chaoyang,Beijing 100028,China;2. CNOOC Research Institute,Chaoyang,Beijing 100028,China
Abstract:To maximize the benefit of residual limited polymer in the reservoir,we carried out a study on the distribution ofresidual polymer and the synergistic action of binary combination flooding after polymer flooding. On the basis of the surveyand summary of the improved oil recovery methods after polymer flooding at home and abroad,the 3D plane large physicalmodel experiments were carried out which accorded with the geological characteristics in offshore oil field S block. By samplingand monitoring the contour diagram of polymer solution viscosity field,concentration field and stress field during the differentstages of water flooding,polymer flooding,binary combination flooding and subsequent water flooding,the distribution law ofresidual polymer and the influence of binary combination flooding after polymer flooding were obtained. The results show that,at the end of the polymer flooding,the concentration of mainstream line was the highest,and the concentration of two wingswas the smallest. At the end of subsequent water flooding,the concentration of mainstream line was the smallest,and mostof the polymer was driven out. The more residual polymer in core,the stronger the auxiliary function of binary combinationflooding. After the polymer injection,the earlier implement of replacement technology,the better development effect. Thestudy has important guiding significance for research on how to use the replacement technology after polymer flooding.
Keywords:polymer flooding  enhanced oil recovery  residual polymer  binary combination flooding  polymer recycling
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