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引用本文:戚冬生,黎滨洪,刘海涛. 新型可用于移动手持设备的小型三频天线[J]. 上海交通大学学报, 2004, 38(12): 1979-1981,1985
作者姓名:戚冬生  黎滨洪  刘海涛
摘    要:基于多频通信终端设备对天线工作频段和尺寸的要求,提出了一种新型的三频段(GSM/DcS/ISM)小型平面倒F天线,并制作了实物模型.通过测量,得到的3个频段的相对带宽分别为3.4%0,10.3%和2.1%o.分析了在有塑料外壳和手持时对该天线特性的影响,并给出了在自由空间测量得到的方向图和增益.实验结果表明,该天线完全适用于多频无线通信系统.

关 键 词:无线通信  平面倒F天线  三频天线  小型平面天线

New Compact Triple-Band Antenna for Mobile Handsets
QI Dong-sheng,LI Bin-hong,LIU Hai-tao. New Compact Triple-Band Antenna for Mobile Handsets[J]. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2004, 38(12): 1979-1981,1985
Authors:QI Dong-sheng  LI Bin-hong  LIU Hai-tao
Abstract:The antennas must work in several bands in multi-band systems, and the size must be compact enough. Based on it, a new compact triple-band (GSM/DCS/ISM) planar inverted-F antenna(PIFA) was presented and a prototype was constructed and studied. The S_(11) parameters were measured, and the bandwidths are 3.4%, 10.3%, and 2.1% for corresponding band, respectively. For real use, the presence of the plastic case and the hand were considered, and the resulting data of the influence were measured and discussed. The radiation patterns and gains in free space were also measured, which show that this type of PIFA is suitable for multi-band mobile communication applications.
Keywords:wireless communication  planar inverted F antenna  triple-band  compact planar antenna
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