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引用本文:田海燕,穆君,冯民富. 定常Ladyzhenskaya模型的稳定化有限元分析[J]. 四川大学学报(自然科学版), 2002, 39(1): 150-154
作者姓名:田海燕  穆君  冯民富
基金项目:StateKeyMajorProjectforBasicResearchandYouthfoundationofSichuanUniversity .
摘    要:1 IntroductionForthestationaryLadyzhenskayaModel,wepresentandanalyzeastabilizedfiniteelementmethodwhichiscapableofdealingwiththenonlinearconvectiveanddiffusivetermsandallowingtheuseofarbitrarycombinedfiniteelementspaces .Theexistence ,uniquenessandoptim…

关 键 词:定常Ladyzhenskaya模型 稳定化有限元分析 变分原理 非线性变换

Analysis of A Stabilized Finite Element Method for Stationary Ladyzhenskaya Model
Abstract:1 Introduction For the stationary Ladyzhenskaya Model, we present and analyze a stabilized finite element method which is capable of dealing with the nonlinear convective and diffusive terms and allowing the use of arbitrary combined finite element spaces. The existence, uniqueness and optimal convergence of finite element solution are proved.
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