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引用本文:张雪梅. 浅议城市河流的生态修复[J]. 中国西部科技, 2008, 7(21): 46-47
摘    要:城市河流与城市发展息息相关,具有重要的社会意义和环境意义。目前我国城市河流在其利用和治理过程中,出现了河道被渠化、硬化,河流生态系统被破坏;水资源被过分开发、河流生态需水不能保证;污水排放入河、水质严重污染等问题。针对相关问题,提出了城市河流治理过程中应建设生态河堤、充分满足河流自身的生态需水、严格控制向河流排放污水等治理措施。

关 键 词:城市河流  环境  生态修复  治理

Study on Urban River Ecological Restoration
ZHANG Xuemei. Study on Urban River Ecological Restoration[J]. Science and Technology of West China, 2008, 7(21): 46-47
Authors:ZHANG Xuemei
Affiliation:ZHANG Xue-mei (China Railway Wuyuan Survey and Design Group co.LTD, Beijing 102600)
Abstract:It is closed related between urban rivers and urban development,the study on which has great significant not only forsociety,but also for environment.There are lots of problems in harness and utilization of urban rivers so far in China,such as thedestruction of ecosystem,water reduce and serious pollution of urban rivers after the drainage hardening.On related issues,wepropose some measures in urban river harness,that eco-bank should be constructed,the ecological water demand should becompletely met and the discharge of sewage to the rivers should be strictly controlled.
Keywords:urban river  environment  ecological restoration  harness
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