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The multidrug-resistant human pathogen Clostridium difficile has a highly mobile, mosaic genome
Authors:Sebaihia Mohammed  Wren Brendan W  Mullany Peter  Fairweather Neil F  Minton Nigel  Stabler Richard  Thomson Nicholas R  Roberts Adam P  Cerdeño-Tárraga Ana M  Wang Hongmei  Holden Matthew T G  Wright Anne  Churcher Carol  Quail Michael A  Baker Stephen  Bason Nathalie  Brooks Karen  Chillingworth Tracey  Cronin Ann  Davis Paul  Dowd Linda  Fraser Audrey  Feltwell Theresa  Hance Zahra  Holroyd Simon  Jagels Kay  Moule Sharon  Mungall Karen  Price Claire  Rabbinowitsch Ester  Sharp Sarah  Simmonds Mark  Stevens Kim  Unwin Louise  Whithead Sally  Dupuy Bruno  Dougan Gordon  Barrell Bart  Parkhill Julian
Affiliation:Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK.
We determined the complete genome sequence of Clostridium difficile strain 630, a virulent and multidrug-resistant strain. Our analysis indicates that a large proportion (11%) of the genome consists of mobile genetic elements, mainly in the form of conjugative transposons. These mobile elements are putatively responsible for the acquisition by C. difficile of an extensive array of genes involved in antimicrobial resistance, virulence, host interaction and the production of surface structures. The metabolic capabilities encoded in the genome show multiple adaptations for survival and growth within the gut environment. The extreme genome variability was confirmed by whole-genome microarray analysis; it may reflect the organism's niche in the gut and should provide information on the evolution of virulence in this organism.
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