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引用本文:王国胜,吕强,梁冰,段广仁. 基于特征结构配置的结构主动控制及仿真[J]. 系统仿真学报, 2006, 18(6): 1605-1608
作者姓名:王国胜  吕强  梁冰  段广仁
作者单位:1. 装甲兵工程学院,控制工程系,北京,100072
2. 哈尔滨工业大学,控制理论与制导技术研究中心,哈尔滨150001
摘    要:考虑了具有最优控制的结构主动控制问题,目的是在系统满足闭环特性的前提下,设计状态反馈控制器使得系统性能泛函极小化。利用特征结构配置方法提供的自由度,给出了性能泛函的显示参数化表示,从而该问题转化为带有约束条件的优化问题,参与优化的变量仅为一组参量。并给出了求解该优化问题的算法,该算法直接基于结构系统矩阵,故其简单性为工程应用提供方便。地震作用下对三层剪切结构建筑模型进行仿真分析,结果表明所提结构主动控制方法的有效性。

关 键 词:结构系统  主动控制  特征结构配置  地震控制  优化

Structural Active Control Based on Eigenstructure Assignment and Its Simulations
WANG Guo-sheng,LV Qiang,LIANG Bing,DUAN Guang-ren. Structural Active Control Based on Eigenstructure Assignment and Its Simulations[J]. Journal of System Simulation, 2006, 18(6): 1605-1608
Authors:WANG Guo-sheng  LV Qiang  LIANG Bing  DUAN Guang-ren
Affiliation:1.Department of Control Engineering, Academy of Armored Force Engineering, Beijing 100072, China; 2.Center for Control Theory and Guidance Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
Abstract:The design of structural active control with minimum control effort was investigated.The aim is to design a state feedback controller,that the closed-loop system has desired eigenvalues,and a system performance function is optimized.By utilizing design degrees of freedom offered by parametric eigenstructure assignment,a parametric expression for the system performance index was proposed.Thus the optimization problem was changed into a minimization problem with some constraints and the optimized variables are a group of parameters.An algorithm was proposed for this minimization and utilized the original system data,and thus it is simple to use in applications.A three-story shearing model under earthquake excitation was analyzed by using the proposed algorithm and the simulation results show the effect of this algorithm.
Keywords:structural systems  active control  eigenstructure assignment  earthquake control  optimization.
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