摘 要: | The isothermal oxidation behavior
of two kinds of alloying Ti-Al alloyTi-48Al-2Cr-2Nb and Ti-47Al-1Cr-1V-2.5Nb at 800℃ and 900℃
is investigated.Their high temperature
oxidation character and the influence of the alloying element upon the oxida-tion behavior are discussed.The
study shows that the oxidation resistance of two alloying Ti-Al alloy at 800℃ is poorer than that of
48Al.However,their oxidation properties at 900℃ are considerably improved,and the oxidation speed is much
lower than that of 48 Alalloy.At the two oxidation temperatures,Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy
shows better oxidation resistance than that of Ti-47Al-1Cr-1V-