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引用本文:梅蓉,吴庆宪,陈谋,姜长生. 时滞Lorenz混沌系统的同步电路实现及在保密通信中的应用[J]. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2011, 19(5): 830-841. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-0930.2011.05.016
作者姓名:梅蓉  吴庆宪  陈谋  姜长生
作者单位:1. 南京森林警察学院侦查系,江苏南京210042;南京航空航天大学自动化学院,江苏南京210016
2. 南京航空航天大学自动化学院,江苏南京,210016
摘    要:同步电路是实现保密通信的前提和基础,为了将混沌同步控制应用于保密通信,本文对给出的时滞Lorenz混沌系统设计了相应的同步电路.首先,运用数值仿真对系统的分岔图、相图、功率谱、Poincare映射进行分析.其次,给出了时滞Lorenz混沌系统的同步电路,并推导出各元件的有效值,在此电路的基础上利用电路仿真软件Electronic Workbench(EWB)进行了仿真实验.整个电路结构简单,实现容易,能够通过调节部分元件有效值获得丰富的混沌信号和较好的同步性能.最后借助于所研究的时滞Lorenz混沌系统的同步电路,利用混沌掩盖技术实现图像保密传输,并能正确有效地恢复出原文图像.

关 键 词:混沌电路  时滞Lorenz混沌系统  同步电路  图像保密通信

Synchronization Circuit Realization and Its Application in Secure Communication of the Delayed Lorenz Chaotic Systems
MEI Rong,WU Qingxian,CHEN Mou,JIANG Changsheng. Synchronization Circuit Realization and Its Application in Secure Communication of the Delayed Lorenz Chaotic Systems[J]. Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, 2011, 19(5): 830-841. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-0930.2011.05.016
Authors:MEI Rong  WU Qingxian  CHEN Mou  JIANG Changsheng
Affiliation:MEI Rong1,2,WU Qingxian2,CHEN Mou2,JIANG Changsheng2 (1.Criminal Investigation Department,Nanjing Forest Police College,Nanjing 210042,China,2.Automation College,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China)
Abstract:Synchronization circuit is the premise and basis of the realization for the secure communication.In this paper,the design of the synchronization circuit for the delayed Lorenz chaotic system was developed.Firstly,the bifurcation diagram,phase chart,power value and Poincare mapping were analyzed by the numerical simulation.Secondly,the synchronization circuit of the delayed Lorenz chaotic systems was designed and the effective values of circuit components were deduced.The simulation experiments based on the ...
Keywords:chaotic circuit  delayed Lorenz chaotic system  synchronization circuit  image secure communication  
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