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引用本文:张颖莉,种道彤,刘继平,严俊杰. 方管内混合对流与管壁导热耦合换热的数值模拟[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2012, 46(5): 19-24,43
作者姓名:张颖莉  种道彤  刘继平  严俊杰
作者单位:西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院 710049 西安
摘    要:针对方管内空气混合对流时的流固耦合换热问题,提出将壁面导热作为边界条件进行处理的壁面导热与流动耦合简化计算方法,推导了计算公式,并采用SIMPLER算法进行了数值模拟.算法忽略壁面沿厚度方向的导热,假设管壁温度沿轴向一维分布,采用热量平衡法建立边界单元的能量守恒方程,将固体区域的导热简化为流体区域的边界条件,以提高计算的精度和可靠性.计算结果表明,受二次流影响,沿通道周向热量从加热面同时沿顺时针和逆时针方向迅速向两边传递,各壁面最大温差小于0.5℃,在轴向归一化长度为2~4时壁面轴向导热热流密度出现最值.平均Nusselt数Num随Reynolds数Re及方管倾斜角度θ的增大而增大,最优倾角在-30°和0°之间变化,但当Re>1 500时,Num随θ的变化近似保持不变.计算结果与实验数据吻合良好,最大偏差小于±28.7%.

关 键 词:流固耦合换热  混合对流  数值模拟  壁面导热  耦合计算

Numerical Investigation on Conjugated Heat Transfer of Conduction in Wall and Mixed Convection
ZHANG Yingli , CHONG Daotong , LIU Jiping , YAN Junjie. Numerical Investigation on Conjugated Heat Transfer of Conduction in Wall and Mixed Convection[J]. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2012, 46(5): 19-24,43
Authors:ZHANG Yingli    CHONG Daotong    LIU Jiping    YAN Junjie
Affiliation:(School of Energy and Power Engineering,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710049,China)
Abstract:The conjugated heat transfer of heat conduction in the wall and air mixed convection in tubes was numerically simulated with the SIMPLER algorithm and a new simplified method developed for dealing with conjugated problems.The results show that the circumferential conductive heat of the duct plate moves in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions,and the temperature difference of each plate is less than 0.5 ℃.In the axial direction,the maximum conductive heat flux occurs at the places where the axial non-dimensional length equals 2-4.The average Nusselt number increases with the Reynolds number and the inclination angle of the tube,and the optimum inclination angle is a variable value from-30° to 0°.However,the average Nusselt number is almost independent of the inclination angle when Re>1 500.The numerical results are in reasonably good agreement with the experimental data with the deviations within ±28.7%.
Keywords:fluid-solid conjugated heat transfer  mixed convection  numerical simulation  heat conduction in wall  coupling calculation
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