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引用本文:许敏,李少远. 广义预测控制的快速算法及其应用[J]. 系统工程与电子技术, 2002, 24(7): 82-86
作者姓名:许敏  李少远
基金项目:国家自然科学基金 ( 6 0 0 740 0 4),上海市曙光计划资助课题
摘    要:针对工业过程控制中的典型回路 ,一般采用一阶或二阶系统加纯滞后模型的特点 ,提出了一种快速广义预测控制算法 (FGPC) ,与标准的广义预测控制算法相比 ,该算法具有结构简单 ,在线运算量小的特点 ,比较适用于实时控制 ,并讨论了其中的参数计算。最后以典型工业过程系统的控制仿真验证了所提出算法的有效性。

关 键 词:广义预测控制  过程控制  快速算法  典型工业过程

A Fast Generalized Predictive Control Algorithm and Application to the Typical Process Control Systems
XU Min,LI Shao-yuan. A Fast Generalized Predictive Control Algorithm and Application to the Typical Process Control Systems[J]. System Engineering and Electronics, 2002, 24(7): 82-86
Authors:XU Min  LI Shao-yuan
Abstract:In the typical loops of process control systems, a-first order or a-second order with dead-delay is always described. A new fast generalized predictive control (FGPC) algorithm with low computation and simple structure which can be easily used in the typical loops of process control systems is presented in this paper, and the controller parameter's properties are discussed. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is validated by the simulation of a typical process control system.
Keywords:Generalized predictive control  Process control  Fast algorithm  Typical industrial process
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