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引用本文:刘国霖. 节理岩体的卸荷岩体力学理论要点[J]. 三峡大学学报(自然科学版), 2002, 24(3): 193-197
基金项目:国家重点科技攻关课题专题部分研究成果 (85 - 1 6 - 0 3 - 0 5(3)
摘    要:节理岩体卸荷岩体力学研究成果在三峡船闸高边坡工程实施中得到检验。文章简介了中的反应力应变观点,岩体力学行性衰变的概念,求边坡卸荷中剪应力与偏应力变化规律及应力状态,以及岩体力学参数变化值,用阻力系数判定边坡稳定与处理。

关 键 词:节理岩体 卸荷岩体力学 反应力应变 力学参数衰变

Theoretical Essentials of Unloading Rock Mass Mschanics for Joint Rock Mass
Liu Guolin. Theoretical Essentials of Unloading Rock Mass Mschanics for Joint Rock Mass[J]. Journal of China Three Gorges University(Natural Sciences), 2002, 24(3): 193-197
Authors:Liu Guolin
Abstract:The researching results of unloading rock mass mechanics were examined in implementing high slope works at the position of shiplock of the Three Gorges Project The concept of reflexive stress strain related with the concept of unloading reducing rock mass mcchanics is presented On the basis of anslysis of calculation curves of shear stress and deflectine stress and other time related rductive mechamics unloading rock mass in high slope site,the law of variety has been provided According to the stress state than the reducing mechaics of rodk mass can be obtainded By using resistance factor in site,the slope stability can be judged and corresponding measures such as cable anchorages to be used to reinforce poor slopes
Keywords:unlading rock mass mechanics  reflexive stress strain relationship  reducing rock mass mechanics  
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