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引用本文:胡小弟,孙立军. 考虑非均布轮载效应时超载对沥青路面结构的力学影响[J]. 长安大学学报(自然科学版), 2003, 23(2): 32-36
作者姓名:胡小弟  孙立军
摘    要:超载是中国公路上普遍存在的现象 ,而且超载时轮胎接地压力往往表现出非均匀分布特性 ,这将对路面结构产生很不利的影响。采用三维有限元分析方法 ,分析了柔性基层和半刚性基层的沥青路面结构 ,在不同的超载量情形下路面结构应力响应的差异。

关 键 词:沥青路面  超载  应力响应  非均匀分布  三维有限元

Stress response of asphalt pavement caused by over loading under non-uniform distributed tire pressure
HU Xiao-di,SUN Li-jun. Stress response of asphalt pavement caused by over loading under non-uniform distributed tire pressure[J]. JOurnal of Chang’an University:Natural Science Edition, 2003, 23(2): 32-36
Authors:HU Xiao-di  SUN Li-jun
Abstract:The over loading is very prevalent on highway in China,and the tire pressure takes on non-uniform distributed, so it would be very disadvantageous to the pavement structure. A three dimensional finite element analysis method is utilized to analyze the difference of mechanics response under different levels over loadings in asphalt pavement of simi-rigid base layer and flexible base layer.
Keywords:asphalt pavement  over loading  mechanics response  non-uniform distributed  3D finite element method
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