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作者单位:1.云南大学 大气科学系,2.丽江市气象局
摘    要: 选取了2006年丽江多普勒天气雷达(CINRAD/CC)投入使用以来观测到的59次强对流灾害天气过程的雷达资料,重点分析了造成短时暴雨和冰雹的雷达各产品特征,初步得出:①触发丽江强对流天气的环境风场;②强回波在雷达速度场中切变类型、分布特征及其与强对流天气的相关关系;③丽江强对流天气初生阶段和旺盛阶段雷达反射率因子形状场、数值场、高度场、垂直累积液态水等指标的特征及其预警临界值;④灾害天气从初生阶段至旺盛阶段回波发展的时间间隔特征.通过分析丰富了丽江周边短时暴雨和冰雹的探测方法,得出部分多普勒雷达研究指标,对滇西北开展灾害性强对流天气的预警预报具有一定的指导作用.

关 键 词:多普勒天气雷达  强对流  边界层辐合线  垂直剖面  垂直累积液态水

Analysis on the characteristics of Doppler radar echo of severe convective weather in northwest Yunnan
Affiliation:1.Department of Atmospheric Sciences,Yunnan University,2.Lijiang Meteorological Office of Yunnan Province
Abstract:Based on Lijiang’s Doppler radar (CINRAD/CC) data from its entered service in 2006,and choosing 59 times severe convective weather data during these years.Radar products characteristics of short-time storm and hail was analyzed emphatically.The preliminary results show that:① Severe convective weather in Lijiang triggered by environment wind field.② Distribution characteristics and shear types of strong echo in Radar velocity field and its relationship with severe convective weather.③ Warning critical value and characteristic of radar reflectivity factor in Shape,numerical,height fields and vertically integrated liquid water when severe convective weather in developmental and vigorous stage.④ The time interval characteristics of echo development when the disaster weather from the primary stage to vigorous stage.Through these analyses,it enriches the detection method when short-time storm and hail happened in Lijiang and gets the part of the research index of Doppler radar.Otherwises,there is a certain directive function about the severe convective weather forecasting and early warning in northwest Yunnan.
Keywords:Doppler radar  severe convective weather  convergence line in boundary layer  vertical section  vertically integrated liquid water
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