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Establishing formal state space models via quantization forquantum control systems
引用本文:Dong Daoyi & Chen ZonghaiDepartment of Automation,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230027,P. R. China(Received August 9,2003). Establishing formal state space models via quantization forquantum control systems[J]. 系统工程与电子技术(英文版), 2005, 16(2)
作者姓名:Dong Daoyi & Chen ZonghaiDepartment of Automation  University of Science and Technology of China  Hefei 230027  P. R. China(Received August 9  2003)
作者单位:Received August 9,2003
摘    要:
1.INTRODUCTION Quantumtheoryisoneofthemostimportantachieve mentsinthe20thcentury,anditdisclosesthestruc tures,characteristicsandmotionlawsofmatterinthe microcosmicfieldandleadsusfromthemacroscopical worldintomicrosystems.Aseriesofnewphenomena whicharedifferentfromclassicalsystemshavebeen discovered,suchasquantumentanglement,quantum coherenceanduncertainty.Meanwhile,quantum theoryandquantummethodsarealsowidelyusedin differentfieldssuchaschemicalreaction,geneticen gineering,atomicphysicsandi…

Establishing formal state space models via quantization for quantum control systems
Dong Daoyi,Chen Zonghai. Establishing formal state space models via quantization for quantum control systems[J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2005, 16(2)
Authors:Dong Daoyi  Chen Zonghai
Affiliation:Department of Automation, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230027, P. R. China
Formal state space models of quantum control systems are deduced and a scheme to establish formal state space models via quantization could been obtained for quantum control systems is proposed. State evolution of quantum control systems must accord with Schrodinger equations, so it is foremost to obtain Hamiltonian operators of systems. There are corresponding relations between operators of quantum systems and corresponding physical quantities of classical systems,such as momentum, energy and Hamiltonian, so Schrodinger equation models of corresponding quantum control systems via quantization could been obtained from classical control systems, and then establish formal state space models through the suitable transformation from Schrodinger equations for these quantum control systems. This method provides a new kind of path for modeling in quantum control.
Keywords:quantum control systems   formal state space models   quantization.
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