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引用本文:任莉. 宁夏高校回、汉族大学生体质健康状况调查研究[J]. 聊城大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 24(1): 85-88
摘    要:运用测试法、文献资料法、数量统计法、比较分析法对宁夏4所高校回、汉族大学生进行体质健康状况调查,结果表明:回、汉族男生之间、回、汉族女生之间的身高和标准体重、台阶试验、立定跳远测试无明显差异(p>0.05).回、汉族男生之间的肺活量和肺活量体重指数均无明显差异,但回、汉族女生之间的肺活量体重指数存在着明显的差异,汉族女...

关 键 词:宁夏  回族  汉族  大学生  体质健康

Healthy Constitution Research of Hiu and Han University Students in Ning Xia
REN Li. Healthy Constitution Research of Hiu and Han University Students in Ning Xia[J]. JOURNAL OF LIAOCHENG UNIVERSITY (NATURAL SCIENCE, 2011, 24(1): 85-88
Authors:REN Li
Affiliation:REN Li(School of Physical Edulation of Ningxia Medical Umiversity,Yinchuan 750001,China)
Abstract:Adopting the four methods including testing,documentary material,data statistics and comparative analysis to the investigation of the healthy constitution between Hui nationality college students and Han nationality ones.The result indicates that there is no evident difference between Hui and Han nationality male students and that there is no evident difference among female ones on their height,standard weight,the flight testing and the testing on the standing long jump(p>0.05).To all the male students,there is no evident difference between the vital capacity and the weight index of the vital capacity.However,there is evident difference between Hui and Han nationality female students,that is,Han nationality female students are greater than the Hui nationality ones.The test on sitting body bending,it is obvious that the pliable of the joints and the muscles of Hui female students are better than those of Han female ones.The test on weight index of the grip strength,although there is no evident difference,their quality of the absolute strength is poor.
Keywords:Ningxia  the Hui nationality  the Han nationality  university student  healthy consititution
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