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Concurrent transmission with minimal SR-pair interference in WiMAX mesh networks
Authors:Qing Xiong  Chanle Wu  Libing Wu
Affiliation:(1) Wuhan Second Ship Design and Research Institute, Wuhan, 430064, Hubei, China;(2) School of Computer, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, Hubei, China
Abstract:Performance of wireless mesh networks can be greatly improved by spatial reuse (SR), therefore, lots of algorithms have been proposed to maximize the number of concurrent transmissions. However, most methods only considered the interference brought by the sender nodes. In this paper, we study the interference model in WiMAX mesh networks and propose a minimal SR-pair interference model to perform concurrent transmissions in both uplink and downlink directions. Simulation results show that our model is more efficient and stable, i.e., it increases the number of concurrent transmissions and its performance is constant and independent of transmission directions. Biography: XIONG Qing(1978–), male, Ph. D., research direction: wireless mesh networks.
Keywords:wireless mesh networks  multi-hop  spatial reuse  centralized scheduling  interference
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