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作者单位:德州学院 山东德州253023
摘    要:文章分析了大学物理实验存在的突出问题,并结合物理学史的特点和内涵,探索将物理学史引入物理实验教学的意义和方法,以提高物理实验教学的质量。

关 键 词:物理学史  物理实验  探索

The Introduction of the History of Physics in the Teaching of Physics Experiment
ZHANG Yong. The Introduction of the History of Physics in the Teaching of Physics Experiment[J]. Journal of Changchun Teachers College, 2007, 0(2)
Authors:ZHANG Yong
Abstract:This article analyzed the prominent question which exists in university physics experiment,and combined with the characteristic and connotation of history of physics,explored the significance and method of introduction of the history of physics to improve the quality of physical experiment teaching.
Keywords:the history of physics  physical experiment  exploration
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