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引用本文:白杨敏,张志耀,潘桂花. 西部农业信息化建设问题的探讨[J]. 科技情报开发与经济, 2004, 14(6): 88-90
作者姓名:白杨敏  张志耀  潘桂花
摘    要:西部农业信息化水平低下制约着西部农业的发展。物质基础薄弱、信息意识淡薄、信息人才及资金短缺是造成西部农业信息化水平低下的原因。为加快西部信息化农业建设,应该从更新观念、加大政府支持力度、利用有限资源进行信息化基础建设、重视人才资源的开发、培育信息产品市场、加强农业应用系统和信息化农业技术的研究、加强示范应用体系等方面入手。

关 键 词:西部地区  农业信息化  人才资源开发  信息产品市场  示范应用体系

Probe into the Construction of Western China''''s Informatized Agriculture
B A I Y ang-m in,ZH A N G Zhi-yao,PA N G ui-hua. Probe into the Construction of Western China''''s Informatized Agriculture[J]. Sci-Tech Information Development & Economy, 2004, 14(6): 88-90
Authors:B A I Y ang-m in  ZH A N G Zhi-yao  PA N G ui-hua
Abstract:The lower levelofwestern China' agricultural inform atization restricts seriously the developm entof the a-s griculture ofw estern C hina.The poor physicalfoundation,the dim inform ation consciousness,and the shortage of infor- m ation talents and funds are the reasons ofthe lower levelofthe agriculturalinform atization ofwestern China.In order to prom ote the construction of agricultural inform atization,should start from renewing the conception,strengthening the governm entalsupport,m aking the construction of the inform atization infrastructure by using the lim ited resources,paying great attention to the developm ent of hum an resources,fostering the m arket of inform ation products,grasping firm ly the research of agricultural application system and Inform atized agricultural techniques,and em phasizing the construction of the dem onstration and application system ,etc.
Keywords:western developm ent  informatized agriculture  development of human resources  market of agricultural product  demonstration and application system
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