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Influences of sex and weather on migration of mule deer in California
Authors:Thomas E. Kucera
I examined differences by sex and influences of weather on timing and patterns of migration of Rocky Mountain mule deer ( Odocoileus h. hemionus ) in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California, during 1984-87. Deer initiated spring migration from the winter range at about the same time in all years and made extensive use of holding areas at intermediate elevations. Radio-telemetered deer showed strong fidelity to summer ranges over as many as four years. Fall weather produced different patterns of fall migration. Storms during October produced a pulsed migration, in which most animals mmiiggiraatteedd to the winter range during or soon after the storm; in a year without a storm, fall migration was gradual. Despite the influence of storms on the pattern of fall migration, the median date of fall migration by females did not vary over years; however, among males it was later in a year without fall storms.
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