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引用本文:何勇,项利国. 基于模糊聚类的BP神经网络模型研究及应用[J]. 系统工程理论与实践, 2004, 24(2): 79-82. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2004)2-79
作者姓名:何勇  项利国
摘    要:在神经网络的应用过程中,经常遇到样本太多问题,采用模糊聚类分析,科学选取学习样本,使少量的学习样本本身包含全部样本的特性,很好地解决了由于样本多学习速度慢的问题,并提出了训练结果检验方法.此方法可以作为神经网络应用的一个拓展.

关 键 词:BP神经网络  聚类  相关性分析   

Study and Application of BP Neural Network Model Based on Fuzzy Clustering
HE Yong,XIANG Li-guo. Study and Application of BP Neural Network Model Based on Fuzzy Clustering[J]. Systems Engineering —Theory & Practice, 2004, 24(2): 79-82. DOI: 10.12011/1000-6788(2004)2-79
Authors:HE Yong  XIANG Li-guo
Affiliation:College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang University
Abstract:During the application of BP neural network, there is a question of how to deal with a great lot of the sample set. The fuzzy cluster analysis is used as the preprocessing to select the sample set which includes characteristic of all members, which can solve the problem of study speed, and the method of analyzing the result of training is developed. This process can be a necessary supplement of the application of BP neural network.
Keywords:BP neural network  fuzzy cluster  correlation analysis
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