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引用本文:袁虹. 论唐代音乐赋的尚理倾向[J]. 河池师专学报, 2010, 0(3): 30-33,54
摘    要:音乐赋发展到唐代,在乐教思想,文道说,重功利文学观及文学自身发展规律等多重因素的影响下,更加注重理的阐释,呈现出较为明显的尚理倾向。具体表现在赋作内容多述说君臣之道、处世之道或生活中的其他哲理;在对音乐的描写上多以抽象之语叙述;在创作程式上也体现出由尚情转向尚理的趋势等三个方面。

关 键 词:唐代  音乐赋  尚理

Philosophical Tendency of Music Poetic Prose in the Tang Dynasty
YUAN Hong. Philosophical Tendency of Music Poetic Prose in the Tang Dynasty[J]. Journal of Hechi Normal College, 2010, 0(3): 30-33,54
Authors:YUAN Hong
Affiliation:YUAN Hong ( Teachers Education College, Hechi University, Yizhou, Guangxi 546300, China)
Abstract:In the Tang Dynasty, under the influence of multiple factors including the ideology of music education, literature virtue and utility value, music poetic prose was developed to emphasize the interpretation of philosophy and showed this tendency. Specificlly, there was morality between the monarch and his ministers, philoso: phy of life and other philosophical theory in the content of Poeic proses. In the description of the music it used more abstract words. In the form of creation, it transfered the tendency from emotion to philosophy.
Keywords:the Tang Dynasty  music poetic prose  philosophy
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