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Aquatic Oligochaeta (Annelida: Lumbriculidae, Haplotaxidae, Naididae, Tubificidae) of Utah
Authors:Douglas R. Spencer  Richard L. Denton
Thirty-six species of aquatic Oligochaeta (Lumbriculidae, Haplotaxidae, Naididae, Tubificidae) are now known form Utah. Aquatic habitats in 27 counties were sampled, with 32 oligochaete species identified. An additional 4 species were added from other published investigations. The majority of species are cosmopolitan and occur in other areas of North America. Nais barbata, N. alpina, and N. pardalis are reported from the western United States for the first time. Ilyodrilus frantzi was found to be a major component of the oliogochaete fauna in the Great Basin lentic environment. The North American distribution of Telmatodrilus vejdovskyi is extended significantly eastward. Tow undetermined species of Tubificidae are discussed.
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