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The landscape of cancer genes and mutational processes in breast cancer
Authors:Stephens Philip J,Tarpey Patrick S,Davies Helen,Van Loo Peter,Greenman Chris,Wedge David C,Nik-Zainal Serena,Martin Sancha,Varela Ignacio,Bignell Graham R,Yates Lucy R,Papaemmanuil Elli,Beare David,Butler Adam,Cheverton Angela,Gamble John,Hinton Jonathan,Jia Mingming,Jayakumar Alagu,Jones David,Latimer Calli,Lau King Wai,McLaren Stuart,McBride David J,Menzies Andrew,Mudie Laura,Raine Keiran,Rad Roland,Chapman Michael Spencer,Teague Jon,Easton Douglas,Langer?d Anita  Oslo Breast Cancer Consortium ,Lee Ming Ta Michael,Shen Chen-Yang,Tee Benita Tan Kiat,Huimin Bernice Wong
Affiliation:Cancer Genome Project, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton CB10 1SA, UK.
All cancers carry somatic mutations in their genomes. A subset, known as driver mutations, confer clonal selective advantage on cancer cells and are causally implicated in oncogenesis, and the remainder are passenger mutations. The driver mutations and mutational processes operative in breast cancer have not yet been comprehensively explored. Here we examine the genomes of 100 tumours for somatic copy number changes and mutations in the coding exons of protein-coding genes. The number of somatic mutations varied markedly between individual tumours. We found strong correlations between mutation number, age at which cancer was diagnosed and cancer histological grade, and observed multiple mutational signatures, including one present in about ten per cent of tumours characterized by numerous mutations of cytosine at TpC dinucleotides. Driver mutations were identified in several new cancer genes including AKT2, ARID1B, CASP8, CDKN1B, MAP3K1, MAP3K13, NCOR1, SMARCD1 and TBX3. Among the 100 tumours, we found driver mutations in at least 40 cancer genes and 73 different combinations of mutated cancer genes. The results highlight the substantial genetic diversity underlying this common disease.
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