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引用本文:苏永华,卓小君,马宁,欧阳光前. 岩土力学特征参数随机-模糊处理中的权重影响比较[J]. 湖南大学学报(自然科学版), 2009, 36(3)
作者姓名:苏永华  卓小君  马宁  欧阳光前
摘    要:分析了在岩土工程中对其物理力学参数的不确定性进行处理时常用的统计、随机和随机 -模糊3种方法的特点.根据马氏距离、模糊权重和模糊集核点的定义和相互关系, 研究了目前随机-模糊处理方法中把模糊权重作为定值的不合理性,提出了把均值、方差和协方差的模糊权重处理为变权重的方法和具体表达公式.研究了在模糊变权重条件下的岩土力学参数特征值的迭代分析方法和具体计算步骤.分别采用统计、模糊定权重和模糊变权重方法计算了2个工程中6个岩土参数试验样本的特征值,分析表明采用模糊变权重方法计算得出的结果,在某些情况仅为其他方法计算结果的49%左右,说明在随机-模糊分析中采用模糊变权重是很有必要的.

关 键 词:特征参数  岩土力学  随机-模糊  变权重函数  迭代计算

Comparison of the Weight Influence on Rock-soil Mechanical Characteristic Parameters in Random-fuzzy Processing Method
SU Yong-hu,ZHUO Xiao-jun,MA Ning,OUYANG Guang-qian. Comparison of the Weight Influence on Rock-soil Mechanical Characteristic Parameters in Random-fuzzy Processing Method[J]. Journal of Hunan University(Naturnal Science), 2009, 36(3)
Authors:SU Yong-hu  ZHUO Xiao-jun  MA Ning  OUYANG Guang-qian
Affiliation:SU Yong-hua,ZHUO Xiao-jun,MA Ning,OUYANG Guang-qian(College of Civil Engineering,Hunan Univ,Changsha,Hunan 410082,China)
Abstract:Statistical method,random method and random-fuzzy method are usually used when dealing with the uncertainty of physical and mechanical parameters in geotechnical engineering.The characteristics of the three methods were analyzed.The irrationality,in which the fuzzy weight in random-fuzzy theory was considered a fixed value,was investigated,based on the correlation among Mahalannobis distance,fuzzy weight and fuzzy set kernel.The fuzzy weight of the sample data of the physical and mechanical parameters for s...
Keywords:characteristic parameters  rock and soil mechanics  random-fuzzy method  changing weight function  iterative calculation method  
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