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引用本文:王秀丽,殷占忠,李庆福. 新型钢框架梁柱T型节点抗震性能试验研究[J]. 甘肃科学学报, 2004, 16(4): 90-94
作者姓名:王秀丽  殷占忠  李庆福
作者单位:1. 兰州理工大学,土木工程学院,甘肃,兰州,730050;哈尔滨工业大学,土木工程学院,哈尔滨,150090
2. 兰州理工大学,土木工程学院,甘肃,兰州,730050
摘    要:根据钢框架强柱弱梁的抗震设计原则,按照有效控制粱上塑性铰位置的思路,采用在粱腹板进行开孔削弱的节点形式,通过开孔位置与大小控制节点处的塑性铰形成位置,同时进行了反复荷载历程下的5组试件破坏试验,探讨了粱柱节点的滞回性能、节点破坏模式及其极限承载力,并进行对比分析.研究结果表明,采用腹板开孔的构造形式,可以大大缓解节点处的高三轴应力状态,使节点的破坏模式从脆性破坏转变为粱的局部屈曲破坏,降低了连接焊缝发生脆性破坏的可能性,很大程度地改善了节点延性性能。

关 键 词:钢框架 梁柱节点 腹板削弱 脆性破坏 延性

An Experimental Study on Anti-seismic Performance Testing of New Type Beam-to-column T-connections in Steel Frames
WANG Xiu-li. An Experimental Study on Anti-seismic Performance Testing of New Type Beam-to-column T-connections in Steel Frames[J]. Journal of Gansu Sciences, 2004, 16(4): 90-94
Authors:WANG Xiu-li
Affiliation:WANG Xiu-li~
Abstract:According to the principles of antiseismic design of steel frames-strong columns and weak beams, based on the idea of controlling the position of plastic hinges of beams effectively, the node form weakened by holes on the web is adopted, and the position of plastic hinges is controlled by the position and size of the holes. At the same time, five groups of experiments under cyclic loading have been made until the specimens are destroyed. The hysteretic behavior of the node, the destruction pattern and the loading capacity of nodes are discussed. A contrastive analysis is made in addition. Results show that the structural form in which a hole is made on the web can alleviate the triaxial stress close to the node, change the destruction mode of the node from fragility damage to local buckling damage of the beam and reduce the possibility of fragility damage of the weld, thus improving the ductility performance of the node to a great extent.
Keywords:steel frame  beam-column node  weakened web  fragility damage  ductility
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