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引用本文:吴涧,蒋维楣,王卫国,姚克亚,袁仁民. 我国春季大气沙尘气溶胶分布和短波辐射效应的数值模拟[J]. 中国科学技术大学学报, 2004, 34(1): 116-125
作者姓名:吴涧  蒋维楣  王卫国  姚克亚  袁仁民
作者单位:1. 南京大学大气科学系,南京,210093;云南大学资源环境与地球科学学院大气科学系,昆明,650091
2. 南京大学大气科学系,南京,210093
3. 云南大学资源环境与地球科学学院大气科学系,昆明,650091
4. 中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学学院,合肥,230026
基金项目:国家重点基础研究项目 (G19990 4 340 0 ),国家自然科学基金项目 ( 4 0 2 0 5 0 16 ),云南省教育厅科研基金项目( 0 11116 3)
摘    要:利用已建立的区域气候模式与大气化学模式耦和的模拟系统 ,在气候模式中引入了起沙机制 ,同时建立了与气候模式连接的沙尘气溶胶输送模式 ,模拟沙尘的输送、扩散、沉降等过程 .通过对 1 998年 4月的模拟 ,分析得到中国地区沙尘气溶胶的主要源区分布情况、沙尘的浓度分布特点和光学厚度特征 ,并且将一次沙尘暴个例与同期卫星观测的气溶胶指数分布做了对比 .进一步模拟了沙尘气溶胶辐射效应 ,发现沙尘气溶胶能减少地面的辐射净收入 ,使南方的大气辐射收入减少 ,使北方的大气辐射收入增加 .由于沙尘气溶胶对辐射的削弱使地面气温有显著降低

关 键 词:沙尘气溶胶  起沙机制  气溶胶指数  光学厚度  辐射效应

Simulation of Distribution and Radiative Effects of Dust Aerosol in Spring Over China Area
WU Jian ,,JIANG Wei mei ,WANG Wei guo ,YAO Ke ya ,YUAN Ren min. Simulation of Distribution and Radiative Effects of Dust Aerosol in Spring Over China Area[J]. Journal of University of Science and Technology of China, 2004, 34(1): 116-125
Authors:WU Jian     JIANG Wei mei   WANG Wei guo   YAO Ke ya   YUAN Ren min
Affiliation:WU Jian 1,2,JIANG Wei mei 1,WANG Wei guo 2,YAO Ke ya 3,YUAN Ren min 3
Abstract:An uplifting mechanism of dust aerosol and its transportation processes were coporated into an regional climate model. Based on the model system, the distribution of dust aerosol and its optical depth over China area in April 1998 were researched and compared with TOMS aerosol index data. The main sources of dust aerosol were been discussed. The radiative effects of dust aerosol were detected. A fairly reduction of incoming radiation of surface is found, and the decrease in surface air temperature due to dust aerosol is revealed in the results of modeling.
Keywords:dust aerosol  uplifting mechanism of dust  TOMS aerosol index  optical depth of dust aerosol  radiative effects of dust aerosol
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