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引用本文:赵林,程国栋,俞祁浩,李元寿. 气候变化影响下青藏公路重点路段的冻土危害及其治理对策[J]. 自然杂志, 2010, 32(1): 9-12
作者姓名:赵林  程国栋  俞祁浩  李元寿
作者单位:13.研究员,2中国科学院院士,4助理研究员,中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所,兰州 730000
摘    要:
青藏公路穿越720余公里的多年冻土分布区,发育着基本稳定、准稳定、不稳定和极不稳定四种类型的多年冻土。自1985年,伴随着青藏公路黑色沥青路面铺设的全面完成,由于多年冻土退化导致的冻土路基病害一直困扰着青藏公路的正常使用,不同地段历经了3到5次不等的整治工程。各种模拟结果及预测显示,未来50年青藏高原年平均气温可能上升2.2~2.6 ℃,青藏高原的多年冻土将进一步退化。稳定性路段将大幅度减少,而不稳定路段将显著增加,将为青藏公路的正常营运带来新的冻害问题。笔者基于过去几十年来的研究成果,在考虑未来多年冻土退化的背景下,针对不同路段提出了初步的路基处理措施,为相关部门在进行青藏公路的冻害治理方面提供参考。 

关 键 词:气候变化  冻土危害  治理对策  青藏公路  

Permafrost Injury and Its Control Countermeasures Along the Key Section of Qinghai-Xizang Highway
ZHAO Lin,CHENG Guo-dong,YU Qi-hao,LI Yuan-shou. Permafrost Injury and Its Control Countermeasures Along the Key Section of Qinghai-Xizang Highway[J]. Chinese Journal of Nature, 2010, 32(1): 9-12
Authors:ZHAO Lin  CHENG Guo-dong  YU Qi-hao  LI Yuan-shou
Affiliation:13.Professor, 2CAS Member, 4Assistant researcher, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
The Qinghai-Xizang Highway crosses a length of 720 km permafrost regions,in which there are four types of permafrost:quasi-steady permafrost,basically stable permafrost,thermal unstable permafrost and extreme thermal unstable permafrost. Subgrade disease has perplexed the normal use of Qinghai-Xizang Highway with permafrost degradation since the completion of asphalt pavement in 1985,and different sections of the road have experienced 3-5 regulation projects. Climate predictions and simulated calculations i...
Keywords:climate change  permafrost  countermeasures  Qinghai-Xizang Highway  
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