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引用本文:黄晓松,胡卫武,龙先瑜,易艳辉,曾宇,李远红,罗银利. 颅内破裂微小动脉瘤的血管内治疗临床研究[J]. 湘南学院学报(自然科学版), 2012, 0(2): 4-6
作者姓名:黄晓松  胡卫武  龙先瑜  易艳辉  曾宇  李远红  罗银利
摘    要:

关 键 词:项内破裂微小动脉瘤  血管内治疗  可脱性微弹簧圈

Clinical research aboutendovascular treatment of ruptured micro - intracranial aneurysms
Affiliation:HUANG Xiaosong, HU Weiwu, LONG Xianyu, et al (Department of Neurology, Hunan Brain Hospital, Changsha, Hunan 410007, China)
Objective Retrospective analysis of 10 cases since October 2002 to September 2011, we were treated Micro- intraeranial aneurysm in patients with acute subarachnoid hemorrhage and to explore the technical feasibility and clinical efficacy of small intracranial ruptured aneurysm endovascular treatment. Methods Retro- spective analysis of 10 easesabout acute subaraehnoid hemorrhagepatientswithmicro- intracranial anem3:sms were treated with endovaseulartreatment, Which one case of internal carotid artery clinoid segment aneurysm, 4 cases of posterioreommunieating artery aneurysm, 2 cases of anterior communicating artery aneurysm, one case of cerebral artery aneurysm, one ease of vertebral artery aneurysms, one case ofposterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm; eight casestook simple detachable micro - coil aneurysm capsule embolism, supplemented by the stent, torming the neck of the balloon - assisted technology to complete the treatment of two eases on which the wide - necked a- neurysms. Results 9 cases took detachable micro- coil aneurysm capsule enfl3olism, complete dense embolism eight eases, one patient neck with a very small part of the residue remained stable during follow - up; one case of carotid stent ingarteryelinoid on the aneurysm, postoperative half year review found no stent migration; this group of eases with no deaths. Conclusion Combined withthetreatment results of our hospital and the literature, we be- lieve that endovascular treatment of ruptured micro - intraeranial aneurysms is feasible and effective which can substitutesurgieal intracranial aneurysm surgery effectively.
Keywords:Ruptured Micro - intraeranial aneurysms  Endovascular treatment  Detachable micro- coil
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