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Research on Tracing Evaluation System in Virtual Enterprise Based on Neural Network
引用本文:Wang Shuo,Tang Xiaowo. Research on Tracing Evaluation System in Virtual Enterprise Based on Neural Network[J]. 中国工程科学, 2004, 2(2): 70-75
作者姓名:Wang Shuo  Tang Xiaowo
作者单位:[1]ManagementSchoolofHefeiUniversityofTechnology,AnhuiHefei230009 [2]UniversityofElectronicScienceandTechnologyofChina,SichuanChengdu610054
基金项目:ThekeyprojectofChineseMinistryofEducation (No .10 42 5 9),TheNationalOutstandingYouthScienceFoundationofChina (No .7972 5 0 0 2 0 ),TheSoftScienceFoundationofCommunicationIndustrialMinistryofChina (No .[2 0 0 1] 8)
摘    要:The tracing evaluation index system was designed to be used in virtual enterprise and established neural network trace evaluation model. As a result, it was more simple and nicer than the traditional method, so it had wider application foreground.

关 键 词:虚拟企业 神经网络 迹线估计指数系统 经济指数 竞争强度指数

Research on Tracing Evaluation System in Virtual Enterprise Based on Neural Network
Wang Shuo and Tang Xiaowo. Research on Tracing Evaluation System in Virtual Enterprise Based on Neural Network[J]. Engineering Sciences, 2004, 2(2): 70-75
Authors:Wang Shuo and Tang Xiaowo
Affiliation:Wang Shuo 1,Tang Xiaowo 2
Abstract:The tracing evaluation index system was designed to be used in virtual enterprise and established neural network trace evaluation model. As a result, it was more simple and nicer than the traditional method, so it had wider application foreground.
Keywords:virtual enterprise  neural network  trace evaluation  system
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